Fast paced life takes its toll on us. How to find more time for yourself and bring about inner peace?

Fast paced life takes its toll on us. How to find more time for yourself and bring about inner peace?

Fast paced life takes its toll on us. How to find more time for yourself and bring about inner peace?

This is a huge topic. Our generation is so used to live in a race hack, constantly chasing the next thing, working or building a business, having family and a social life, finding time for yourself isn’t always easy. Let’s break it down and see if we can nudge some of the tips on how to live a less stressful, calmer and more productive lifestyle.



The biggest lesson I’ve learnt thought my early and mid 20s’...

Why do natural perfumes ‘not last’?

Why do natural perfumes ‘not last’?


Ok, so we’ve all been there. We got so excited to try our new bought ‘natural’ perfume that contains zero artificial or animal derived additives and woah!! It doesn’t smell as strong as our other ones and most definitely does not last as long as most of your shelf perfumes.

What’s the catch?


You might not come to a shock if I tell you that most of the ingredients that keep perfume smelling ‘oh, so good!’ are actually resources like alcohol, petrochemicals, coal, and coal tars are used in the manufacture of perfumes which is what keeps...

How to get THAT glowing face look using the right skincare products?

How to get THAT glowing face look using the right skincare products?

OK, we all want to have a great skin. But are we willing to do the ‘work’ that it takes to get there? There are a couple of rules to create a very special ‘daily skin ritual’ that I am going to tell you all about to get your perfect skin back!

The biggest mistake people make when choosing natural skincare

The biggest mistake people make when choosing natural skincare

We ALL want natural skincare, I get it. But reading the label that states ‘Natural’ or ‘Organic’ isn’t enough. Want to know why?

Let’s break it down to how the industry uses terms so that they can get away with ‘sustainable’ and ‘organic’ simply for marketing purposes.

Oil Based Cleanser doesn't suit oily skin types. Truth or Myth?

Oil Based Cleanser doesn't suit oily skin types. Truth or Myth?

So, the Oil Cleanser isn’t suitable for oily skin, right?! WRONG.

 I, like many people was sure of that until I started to use one and saw major difference in my skin appearance. How? Let me elaborate.


Majority of ordinary skin cleansers use chemical cleansing components like benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and glycolic acid which tend to dry the skin to say the least. However, in natural cleansers you many find tea tree oil which also is quite harsh especially for skin breakouts which tend to happen A LOT on oily/combination skin types. Just to note, tea...